For all these people, I have 6 tips that will make all the difference on your way!
1- Have patience
I decided to put this tip first because patience must go hand in hand with sewing. This is why many people use this technique to slow down and as therapy.
But most of all I want to talk about being patient with mistakes. It is common for us to make many mistakes, and it is not a privilege for beginners. But here I see people who are annoyed that they can't leave a perfect room at first. Sewing, like any other skill, is a mixture of effort, training and patience. If you combine these three, you will be proud of your parts, finishes and techniques in no time. Believe in yourself!
2- Meet and join Facebook sewing groups
They are a waste, you can spend a lot of time seeing and editing the advice of real people, seamstresses who have a lot of experience and kind-hearted people who want to help you. You can ask questions, but the cool thing is that you sometimes end up learning from other people's questions, things you didn't even know you wanted to learn ... hahaha
I list someone to know better:
Step-by-step modeling and sewing
Eduk fashion
Service seamstress
Easy sewing step by step
Sewing and cutting for children
sewing circles
3 - Have a specific place to sew
And all your equipment in hand. Sewing in an organized and optimized environment is much more stimulating and productive. And if you can make it beautiful and comfortable with details that are good for the eyes and the heart, it will be even better.
4 - Visit and visit to a pharmacy
I always give this tip to my students. It is a pleasure to wear a garment made by us, but if the raw material costs only $ 5.00, the value of this piece will be even greater! At least that's how it works for me.
Without forgetting that sewing with cuts is a way to take a little more care of our sustainability!
5 - Join the school
Here you will learn fun and relaxing techniques, tips and step-by-step clothing cycles. With the added bonus of taking your questions with me and suggesting pieces you want to learn. Today, we already have more than 30 exclusive classes and dozens of students who are one step ahead in this delicious and profitable art! And for a real value of $ 69.90 per year! Learn more by clicking here. And be the next person to take the old idea out of the drawer and make this dream come true.
6 - Don't be afraid to look ridiculous
This tip is for sewing, but there is much more to live! How many times have you failed to do anything for fear of looking silly? Lest you please others? Afraid of failing?
You know what? Everyone feels this feeling. The difference is that some faces and others hide behind different excuses. Which team are you on?
And again, thank you my friends, it is a joy to learn to sew with you every day!
A big kiss and more